B.C. approves 314 cutblocks in caribou critical habitat while negotiating conservation plans
VANCOUVER - B.C. has greenlighted the logging of 314 new cutblocks in the critical habitat of southern mountain caribou across the province in the past four months alone. The shocking discovery made by the Wilderness Committee is prompting the organization, along with...
Land Resource Management Plan
Poll shows support for National Park decreased, majority want a referendum
The South Okanagan Similkameen Preservation Society (SOSPS) is pleased to present a newly commissioned poll regarding the proposed National Park Reserve. This contentious issue has many residents concerned about the environmental and economic impacts of a new...
CPAWS: Parks Canada, moving towards a more tourism and marketing focused agenda
For almost a decade CPAWS has observed a significant shift in Parks Canada’s approach to managing our national parks, away from their legislative first priority of protecting nature, towards a more tourism and marketing focused agenda which is putting wildlife and...
Fire management is critical to maintaining ecological integrity
http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_cesd_201311_07_e_38677.html#ex5 Fire recycles nutrients in the soil, encourages new plant growth, controls invasive alien species, and creates important habitat for birds and animals. For decades, fire was actively...
Ecological Integrity in National Parks
http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/parl_cesd_201311_07_e_38677.html#hd5q Assessing the impacts of adjacent land use 7.61 Parks Canada’s (the Agency’s) 2011 State of Canada’s Natural and Historic Places report identifies adjacent land use—such as industrial...
Parks Canada should focus on environment, not development, says report
"What we've observed is a significant shift, over almost a decade, in how Parks Canada has been managing our national parks," said Alison Woodley, the national director of the parks program with CPAWS and author of the report. "It's been a shift away from primary...